WHERE’S THE LOVE? (1 of 4)
Remember a time when Professional Courtesy was “a thing”? Wasn’t that nice? Remember the time another colleague, supplier, boss or even a prospective employer acknowledged that you were a human being? In this blog I want to talk about Employers showing some love and how that will improve their candidate engagement.
THE CANDIDATE MINDSET – Before we can go into the 3 main phases of your recruiting process and how/why simple professional courtesy will position you to win over your competition, we have to understand the candidate’s mindset. Recognize that we are in an incredibly tight talent market. Nearly every professional is working. More than likely, the candidates you are talking to have numerous options if they are considering a change. That said, with every phone call and every meeting they will get more and more emotionally invested in your opportunity. This is a big deal now. A major life change. And this is where professional courtesy comes into play.
Over the next few days we’ll take a closer look at what you can do throughout your process including: Initial Engagement, Feedback & Follow Up and Closing
In the meantime, comment, share and let us know how some simple professional courtesy has impacted your professional decisions!